All Categories General Questions Are we allowed to dropship from any of the importify supported websites?

Are we allowed to dropship from any of the importify supported websites?

if you wish to Dropship from one of our supported websites, you need to Contact the seller first and negotiated a working agreement. get their permission before you list any of their products on your Shopify store. 

Your Dropship supplier is essential part of the business, and your reputation is highly dependent on his level of service.

Communicate with the supplier is very important.
This is also an opportunity to ask him for better pricing and any material info (high quality images / videos etc...) that could help you with your campaign. 

Important: Some of the website in our list does not allow direct dropshipping, Support for 1-click product importing has been added for those sites based on user requests (some of these users are sellers on these platforms)

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