All Categories Woocommerce How do I create temporary credentials to support?

How do I create temporary credentials to support?

The importify support team may need to access your website using WordPress admin credentials in certain circumstances. To keep your information private, we will not ask for your password. Alternatively, you can generate temporary credentials that our support staff will use to access your site.

Generating a new WordPress user

To generate temporary credentials, you’ll first need to create a new WordPress user:

  1. Go to your site’s WordPress dashboard.

  2. From your WordPress dashboard, go to Users > Add New.
    This will bring up the Add New User form.

  3. Fill in the following:

    • Username: Use [email protected]

    • Email: Use [email protected]

    • Password: WordPress automatically generates a password that you should use. Copy this password and keep it safe. 

    • Role: Select Administrator

  4. Click Add New User.

  5. Notify us via email ([email protected]) that you created the account.

    Our support team will now be able to access your website and take care of your support request.

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