All Categories Woocommerce How do i change my credit card/billing information?

How do i change my credit card/billing information?

PayPro Global Services is one of Importify's payment solution providers.

Here are the instructions for updating your credit card information if you subscribed to the importify app on Woocommerce/Jumpseller:

1. Enter your PayPro Global account:

Your login: billing email

Your password was sent to the email that was used for the purchase (billing email)

If you have difficulties with finding your password, please use the "Forgot Password" option (follow this link, enter your email, and press the "Forgot Password" button. The link for password reset will be sent to your email).

N.B.: The password reset email can go to the Spam folder by mistake.

2. After you entered your account, please use the "Add New Card" option in the section MY CREDIT CARDS on the left side of the screen. Please choose "Make primary" in the box "Actions" next to the credit card that should be used for the payment.

3. Go to the section SUBSCRIPTIONS and attach the needed credit card to the subscription that should be renewed / billed.

Please note that this guide is only relevant if you use Importify on Woocommerce or Jumpseller.

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