All Categories Features & Settings How to Import and Translate Chinese Products into English with Importify?

How to Import and Translate Chinese Products into English with Importify?

When importing products from Chinese websites like Taobao, Tmall, and 1688, you'll need to translate the page first using your browser's translation feature. Here's how to do it:

Steps to Import and translate Chinese Products:


1. Visit the product page (Taobao, Tmall, or 1688)

2. Translate the page:

* Right-click anywhere on the page

* Select "Translate to English" in your browser

* Wait for the translation to complete

3. Once translated, click the Importify "Add" button that appears on the top left of your screen

4. Edit the product details and proceed with the normal import process


Supported Chinese Marketplaces

  • Taobao (淘宝)

  • Tmall (天猫)

  • 1688

Other Chinese suppliers (See full list at

Best Practices

  • Always review translated content for accuracy

  • Edit product descriptions to ensure they make sense in English

  • Verify all measurements and specifications

  • Double-check pricing and shipping information before importing

Important Notes

  • Importify does not provide translation services

  • You'll need to use your browser's built-in translation tool or another translation service

  • Chrome browser is recommended for the best translation results

  • All imported content can be edited before publishing to your store

Need assistance? Contact our support team at [email protected].

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