All Categories General Questions Am i allowed to dropship from Temu?

Am i allowed to dropship from Temu?

The official stance from Temu, as per the information provided from their Customer Service Support Center & FAQ, is that they do not support dropshipping on their platform​​. This means that they do not allow individuals or businesses to register as sellers for the purpose of dropshipping.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it would be best to review Temu's terms of service or contact their customer support directly.

We added the import functionality from this source based on user request. some store owners using 3rd party warehouse services to be able repack the product and send it to the customer address.

You can read more info about 3rd party warehouse services here  →

Other articles we found on this subject.

For the most accurate and official stance, please visit Temu's website directly and review their seller agreement or terms of service.

Disclaimer: This page contains general information about legal matters intended for educational purposes only. It should not be taken as legal advice as the writer is not a lawyer. If in doubt, you should always contact a lawyer.

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